Sunday, August 2, 2009


THE TRIP to GUANICA, is often fun. One goes from crowded concrete, asphalt roads and highways to secluded out of the way places, most of the time. Too many people for my taste were hanging in the guest houses for rent and Marylee's by the Sea our headquarters. The worst are children with their squeaky voices and loud inhabitants.

But critics should also mention the good news. This time for some reason, there were SIGNS OF INTELLIGENCE, in the scenery and among the people.

One striking change in roads is the use of all kinds of AGAVACEAS in medians and other drought/heat resistant species on 116 Road, the main drag. These wonderful plants are not necessarily endemic but blend pretty well with the environment and require no particular maintenance.

Another example of this adventure was to find an owner of the only nursery in town, with some knowledge of botanical names and capable of intelligent conversation. His view on landscaping was original since not
many jerks with nurseries, the vast majority of them, know anything about brokers and even less botanical names.

Brokers for the lay person in this field are those charging a fee for buying for you the small fish, plants from the big fish. Many wholesale nurseries will only sell by the hundreds or the thousands. The broker does the service, buying smaller amounts for many small nursery retailers unable to get particular items otherwise.

I stopped at his, to buy a couple Aesparagus growing with organ pipe shape, resistant to my garden conditions: heat/drought/salt breeze. I critized his selling of silly, abused, ridiculous bromeliads from RAIN FORESTS, in the DESERT, to which he presented a stupid defense. Water them and keep them in the shade...That was his argument.

This is evidence of being intelligent, with notions of the matter itself and
stupid at the same time. All because of MONEY. If I had a nursery in the desert I would have less money at the end of the month, but I would not sell palms, ficus, bromeliads, PERIOD. I will not go with the crowd or follow the complacency destroying the environment and making it uglier
day after day. There is more about this trip...later....

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